After Life is a dark comedy web TV series written and directed by Ricky Gervais. The first season aired on Netflix on 8th March 2019 and the second season debuted on 24th April 2020. Each season consists of 6 episodes with running time of around 25 to 31 minutes.
Rotten Tomatoes has rated the first season at 73% whereas the second season at 75% making the average rating 74% and the average audience score given to it is 88%.
Although it has not been confirmed by the show’s sole dependence on Ricky Gervais, the actor-director makes it predictable that we will see him in the next season as well. He plays a central role in the series by the name of Tony Johnson and the entire show revolves around him. Further, Ricky has confirmed that we will see Kerry Godliman reprise her character as Tony’s late wife as she will play an imperative role in the upcoming episodes.
Other members of the cast include Diane Morgan, Tom Basden, Tony Way, Mandeep Dhillon, Ashley Jensen, David Bradley, Paul Kaye, Roisin Conaty, Jo Hartley, Penelope Wilton, David Earl and Joe Wilkinson.
The backdrop is set in the town of Tambury which is fictional where they lead, Tony Johnson works as a journalist at a local newspaper, the Tambury Gazette. The character Tony Johnson is played by Ricky Gervais whose life turns upside down after his wife dies of breast cancer. He decides to commit suicide but thinks of some other plan to punish the world by doing whatever he feels like. He considers this his superpower but it turns out to be a bad idea when everyone he comes in contact with tries to change him for better.
Releasing Date
The second season released in April this year which is exactly one month after the first season was released. Thus, we can expect the next season i.e. season 3 releasing the same time next year. However, Netflix has ceased the shooting of every project due to the existing pandemic situation so we can not predict the exact release date of the series.