The Grand Tour is a car-based British TV series produced by Amazon for its online streaming on Amazon Prime. The makers of the series are Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, and Andy Wilman. The first season of the series was streamed in 2016 on Amazon Prime.
Season 1 to 3 has approximately 12 to 15 episodes each. But the fourth season of the series hanged up just after its first episode aired in December 2019. After waiting for a long time, viewers are in a dilemma whether more episodes of the season will stream or a new season will get aired soon.
What will happen in possible season 5 of The Grand Tour?
For the time, we can not predict the base of season 5 as more episodes of the fourth season are on hold to get aired. We saw some changes in season 4 like cars replaced by boats. It interested the audience and increased their curiosity for the next season. Sources report that the second episode of season 4 is ready, but due to the current crisis, its editing part is left. Also, the makers are releasing episodes of the series randomly instead of airing weekly.
It seems like this global pandemic may have an inverse effect on season 5 due to the inability of the makers to shoot internationally. But still, let’s not lose hope and try to stay positive.
The cast of Season 5
Season 5 is unpredictable as no links to it are available now. But the sources report that there might be a slight or no change in the cast.
With Clarkson, Hammond and May are also expected to be back.
Release Date Of Season 5
In July 2019 Andy Willman, producer of The Grand Tour, shared a post on Instagram, which reveals that viewers can expect two more seasons of The Grand Tour. Season 4 Episode 1 aired in December 2019, which means season 5 is on the row. We can expect the release of season 5 soon after the streaming of all season 4 episodes.