Lost in Space is an American Sci-fi series that got a rating of 75% from Rotten Tomatoes. This series has completed its two seasons. Lost in Space season 1 was released on April 13th, 2018, and season 2 was being released on December 24th, 2019, and both 10 episodes each. The series was being premiered on Netflix. Lost in Space series received good feedbacks from its audiences. This series is a package of drama and adventures. Reports say that Lost in Space Season 3 will be the end of this series.
Lost in Space Season 3 Cast
Till now the final list of the cast has not been decided. Most of the old cast is expected to be seen in the 3rd season. The main cast from the previous seasons including Molly Parker as Maureen Robinson, Toby Stephens as John Robinson, and Brian Steele as the Robot.
Lost in Space Season 3 Plot
The plot of season 3 has not been out yet but the story will revolve around Robinson’s family. Previously in season 1, we have seen that Robinson’s family unexpectedly land on an alien planet when they were to establish a new colony in space. After their spacecraft landed on an alien planet, the family is surrounded by new dangers but they fight defying the odds to survive and escape. In season 2 there are more space adventures. Season 2 significantly highlights the relationship between Will and the Robot. Season 2 is a thrilling series as it binds the audience’s attention to what’s going to happen next. The cinematography was one of the strongest points of this series because the characters look real which makes it easy for the viewers to understand the story.