Netflix’s’Mindhunter’ is a crime drama series that first premiered on the streaming platform on October 13, 2017. Produced by David Fincher (‘Fight Club’), the series is based on the true-crime book mind hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit’ composed by retired FBI agent John Douglas and writer Mark Olshaker. It follows the story of particular agents Bill Tench (Holt McCallany) and Holden Ford (Jonathan Groff) of the recently founded Behavioural Science Unit (BSU) of the FBI.
They’re assisted by psychologist Wendy Carr (Anna Torv) since they interview imprisoned serial killers attempting to understand their twisted psychology and develop profiling methods. The series includes many real-life serial killers and requires us through stressed interrogations with them. After two successful seasons, the natural question arises: Will there be a Mindhunter season 3? Let’s find out!
Mindhunter Season 3 Release Date
‘Mindhunter’ season 2 fell in its entirety on August 16, 2019, on Netflix. It consists of nine episodes with a runtime of 46–73 minutes per day. Fans of the show had to wait around for 2 decades to its second season. But this time, the wait will probably be much more as Netflix has allegedly put the series on indefinite hold. Producer David Fincher, who also directed multiple episodes of the series, has been working on additional projects.
While the series has not been pinpointed, it’ll be a long time before fans get another season of the emotional thriller. Fincher’s biographical drama ‘Mank’ published on Netflix on November 13, 2020. He is also attached as a producer on the next season of Netflix’s ‘Love, Death & Robots’. This suggests all is well between the director and the streaming giant. However, there’s still hope as, in November 2020 meeting with Variety, Fincher said, “At some point, I’d like to revisit it.” Thus, we can expect’Mindhunter’ season 3 to release sometime in 2023 or 2024.
Mindhunter Season 3 Cast: Who can be in it?
In the first two seasons, the primary cast members containing Holt McCallany, Jonathan Groff, and Ana Trov attribute as Bill Tench, Holden Ford, and Wendy Carr, respectively. Apart from these, other cast members include Hannah Gross as Ford’s Lady Debbie Mitford, Cotter Smith as Robert Shepard, and Cameron Britton since the serial killer Edmund Kemper in supporting characters. Season 2 includes Christopher Livingstone, Oliver Cooper, and Damon Herriman who play fictionalized versions of real-life serial killers Wayne Williams, David Berkowitz, and Charles Manson, respectively.
If Netflix makes the third season, the yield of the lead actors will rely upon their availability. In January 2020, Netflix verified the reports which the cast members were released from their contracts. A new season may choose to focus on an entirely new set of personalities and feature a brand new cast. On the other hand, the recurrence of previous cast members, both lead and recurring, is not exactly impossible.
Mindhunter Season 3 Plot: What can it be About?
While year 1 tells a largely standalone narrative as Special Agents, Ford and Tench interview serial killers, secure financing for their newly commissioned division, and solve a few open circumstances. They’re aided by the notorious serial killer Edmund Kemper to comprehend the psychology of a serial killer, which they employ in grabbing a variety of criminals.
While year 1 takes place from 1977 to 1980, year 2 is placed between 1980 and 1981 and concentrates on the real-life Atlanta Murders. A possible third season could pick up from the finish of year 2 and occur from early into the mid-80s. Similar to its predecessors, it could comprise Ford and Tench traveling around the nation, teaching FBI methods to local police departments and grabbing a few criminals. It could also introduce us to more serial killers from this age.
1 character lovers are wanting to see more of is the ADT serviceman, who appears sporadically throughout the two seasons. This character is none other than one of America’s most famous serial killers, Dennis Rader aka BTK Killer. It’s likely the following season would flesh upon his backstory and put him up as a formidable enemy for Tench and Ford.