    HomeCar NewsTop Things to Keep in Mind While Buying ATV Tires

    Top Things to Keep in Mind While Buying ATV Tires

    All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are designed to handle tough terrains. They are popular among outdoor enthusiasts for recreational activities such as off-roading and hunting.

    However, the key to getting the best performance out of your ATV lies in its tires. The right set of ATV tires can make all the difference in stability, handling, and traction on rough surfaces.

    With so many available options, choosing the right set of ATV tires can be overwhelming. In this article, we will discuss the top things you need to remember while buying ATV tires to help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your off-road adventures.

    Know the Size of Your Tire

    Knowing your tire size is crucial when you buy ATV wheels and tires online. The tire size is often indicated on the tire’s sidewall in a standardized format, such as “AT25x8-12” or “AT22x11-8.”

    The first number (such as 25 or 22 in these examples) indicates the tire’s height in inches, while the second number (8 or 11) refers to the tire’s width in inches. The last number (12 or 8) indicates the diameter of the rim in inches. You’ll find all these details also mentioned on the website of ZMPerformance, which sells almost all sizes and a variety of tires.

    It’s important to note that different ATVs may have different tire sizes, so it’s crucial to check the specifications of your ATV to ensure that you are buying the correct tire size. Using the wrong tire size can affect your ATV’s handling and performance and damage your vehicle.

    When buying ATV tires, you must also ensure that the new tire has the same rim size as the old tire. Using a tire with a different rim size can cause installation problems and may affect your ATV’s stability.

    Decide On Your Tire Type

    Choosing the right type of tire is another crucial factor when buying ATV tires. There are three main types of ATV tires to choose from:

    • All-Terrain Tires: All-terrain tires are designed to provide good traction and stability on various surfaces, including pavement, dirt, and rocky terrain. They typically have a more rounded profile and a less intimidating tread pattern than other ATV tires.
    • Mud Tires: Mud tires are designed for use in deep mud and other soft terrains, such as snow or sand. They have an aggressive tread pattern with more significant, deeper lugs for better traction in slippery conditions. Mud tires are also typically wider than all-terrain tires for added flotation in soft terrain.
    • Sand Tires: Sand tires are designed specifically for sandy terrains like desert dunes or beaches. They have a narrow profile with a paddle-like tread pattern to provide maximum flotation and traction in loose sand. Sand tires are unsuitable for use on any other surface, as they do not provide good traction on hard or rocky terrain.

    When deciding on the tire type, consider the terrain you’ll be riding on most often. If you’re primarily using your ATV for recreational purposes, an all-terrain tire may be the best option, as it performs well on various surfaces. If you plan on riding in muddy or soft terrain, a mud tire would be a better option, while sand tires are ideal for riders who frequent sandy terrain.

    It’s important to note that some tire manufacturers offer hybrid tires that combine features of multiple tire types. For example, all-terrain tires have more tread patterns for better traction in mud or snow. Before purchasing, research the different tire options and consider your riding needs to ensure you choose the right tire type for your ATV.

    Consider the Environment You’ll Be Riding In

    According to Data Masters, there are over 1.2 million ATV owners across the United States, and the ATV tire market is equally expansive. When buying ATV tires, it’s essential to consider the environment you’ll be riding in. Different terrains and weather conditions require different tire characteristics to ensure the best performance and safety.

    If you are riding in dry and hot conditions, such as in a desert or on rocky terrain, you’ll need tires that can handle the heat and provide good traction on rough surfaces. Look for tires with durable construction and a tread pattern designed for rocky terrain.

    On the other hand, if you are riding in wet conditions, such as on muddy trails or in areas with frequent rain, you’ll need tires with a more tread pattern that can provide better traction in slippery conditions. Mud tires are typically the best choice for this type of environment.

    If you plan to ride in wet and dry conditions, consider tires that balance traction and durability. Look for tires with a tread pattern that can provide good traction in mud and slippery conditions while still being durable enough to handle rough terrain.

    Consider getting specialized snow tires if riding in winter conditions, such as snow or ice. These tires are designed with a special rubber compound and tread pattern that provides better grip and handling in icy and snowy conditions.

    In addition to the terrain and weather conditions, consider the altitude and elevation of the area you’ll be riding in. Higher elevations and steep hills can affect your ATV’s performance and require specialized tires to handle the terrain.

    Get a Qualified Technician to Install Them

    After purchasing the right ATV tires, they must be installed properly. While it may be tempting to install the tires yourself, having a qualified technician install them for you is highly recommended.

    According to Zippia, more than 89,524 tire technicians are in the US. A qualified technician has the knowledge, skills, and tools to install the tires correctly and ensure they are balanced and aligned. Improper installation can lead to problems, such as uneven wear, reduced performance, and even accidents.

    A qualified technician can also check other components of your ATV, such as the brakes and suspension, to ensure that they are working correctly and not affecting the performance of your new tires.

    Additionally, they can provide valuable advice and recommendations on tire maintenance, such as proper inflation levels and tire rotation schedules. Following these recommendations can help extend the life of your tires and ensure optimal performance.


    In conclusion, purchasing the right ATV tires is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and safety while riding off-road. By taking the time to research and choose the right ATV tires, you can improve your riding experience and ensure the best performance on any terrain.

    Remember to maintain your tires properly by regularly checking the inflation levels, rotating them as recommended, and avoiding harsh chemicals that can damage them. With proper care and maintenance, your ATV tires can last many years and provide countless hours of off-road adventure.


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