The first movie in the show Kung Fu Panda premiered from the year 2008, followed in Kung Fu Panda and 2011 by Kung Fu Panda 2 3 in 2016.
The movie is set in a Fantasy world of ancient China where humanoid animals exist.
The narrative primarily revolves around Po Ping, a literary who is picked for the Annals of Dragon Warrior. Later, he reveals himself worthy, although at the beginning of his trip Po Ping is highly doubted.
Along with this, we see Po trying hard to satisfy his fate.
Release Date
Initially, the film was set to release in the year 2018, but because of a few problems, the release was delayed.
And no release has been given date of the movie by the manufacturers of the movie.
As of this moment, we do not have the information about if there’ll be any new additions to the cast that is still debatable.
But one thing is for sure that’s we will be visiting all of our important characters once more reuniting for the movie. Which Includes:
- Master Shifu
- Po
- Master Viper
- Bryan Cranston
- Master Monkey
- J.K. Simmons
- Master Crane
- James Hong
- Master Mantis
- Kate Hudson
- Master Tigress
- Randall Duck Kim
- Jean — Claude Van Damme
The makers have been discreet regarding the narrative of Kung Fu Panda 4. Hence we do not have information about the storyline of the upcoming seasons.
There are no trailers available.
Could We Have More Movies?
Jeffery Katzenberg had said it is possible that the string could have three more sequels.
So we can expect three more movies are coming our way by the Kung Fu Panda world-class.