Attack On Titan, the Popular Anime series, is geared for its year. Fans of this popular show are currently waiting for season. The season will conclude the story of humankind’s battle.
Attack On Titans is based on the Japanese manga of the same name made by Hajime Isayama. Yasuko Kobayashi has written the show for the television.
The anime revolves around a boy called Eren Jeager, who lives in a world ravaged by giants known as Titans.
A wall has been built by the people around their towns to protect themselves.
Two titans are known as Colossal Titan and Armored Titan breach Wall Maria, and the story takes a turn.
Eren, who loses his mother due to one such assault, decides to take revenge on the Titans and teams up with the research Corps.
The first three seasons of this series were cool among anime-lovers, and also the fourth season will finish the saga of Erin.
The manga is still running, hence the plotline of the fourth season remains a puzzle.
The fourth-season was supposed to be aired in 2020’s fall but could be delayed due to this Coronavirus pandemic. The trailer of the season premiered on 29th May, yet the release date was not mentioned. The season will include 24 episodes.
Season three researched a bit about Eren’s basement and the Titan’s history. The season may involve enemies beyond Marley’s land, which resides on the opposite end of the sea. New characters will be introduced by the season. These older and unique cast members will unite for the showdown. A war between the land of Paradis and Marley is doomed to occur with Eren, along with his friends will defend what’s left of humanity.
Season Four of Attack on NHK General TV community in Japan will broadcast On Titan. The episodes that are subtitled can be watched by the remaining fans.