    HomeCar NewsCoronavirus Impact: Toyota declared it will stay accessible for its clients

    Coronavirus Impact: Toyota declared it will stay accessible for its clients

    Toyota Kirloskar Motors had declared preventative measures to protect the security and the health of all stakeholders such as clients, workers, and trader partners. While the organization’s plant stays shut and its traders given the lockdown from the nation until April 15, 2020, Toyota declared it will stay accessible for its clients.

    The carmaker promised its customers if there are some questions and that its call centers will remain open, the corporation may be achieved through its customer support service community.

    So clients can reach out for any questions about the support of 23, Toyota set out the telephone numbers. It needs to be mentioned here that support centers of the producer are closed due to the lockdown.

    Toyota India has extended the guarantee period

    Toyota, in reality, assured clients that to date, it will be expanded if of an individual warranty dying in the coming days and clients don’t need to be concerned about renewing it away. The business states it reacting appropriately according to guidance and is monitoring the situation.

    For individuals wanting to know more about the Organization’s automobiles, it’s come up with a 360-degree automobile screen on its website, providing a virtual tour of every automobile, which can help customers know more about the Auto Contemplating a dealership Can’t Be seen in the time of their lockdown


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