Demon Slayer is an anime series and a dark fantasy. The series relies on Japanese manga set, which revolves around the story of Tanjiro Kamado. The series is coming back with another season. Fans were awaiting the season and loved the season. Here are the updates on the show.
There is no confirmation about the official launch date of this series. But we can expect it by ancient 2021 or December 2020.
There are, although There’s very little info on the cast of this show. This may include Nezuko Kamado, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Yosuke Hashibira, and Genya Shinazugawa. There’ll be some fresh faces, but their details are under wrap and not verified.
The series follows the story of a young boy Tanjiro Kamado, who becomes a fanatic after his household was murdered and slaughtered. Also, he has a sister called Nezuko, who is also a fanatic. Muzan Kibutsuji, who kills his family. Kamarado later removes him, and the story from the new season will focus on the issues. And the way he manages his life.
As no launch date is out, There’s no trailer for the show yet.