Derry Girls is a British television series falling under the genres of sitcom and dark comedy which is composed and made by Lisa McGee, led by Michael Lennox and produced by Hat Trick Productions. It is the first season started on Channel 4 on 4th January 2018 followed by its second season on 5th March last year. The series has a total of 12 episodes, each one being 22 minutes on average.
Release Date
Taking into consideration the gap of 14 months between the initial and the second seasons, the third one must have been fallen by May of this year. On the other hand, the delay is not shocking keeping in mind the present pandemic situation that had resulted in a production delay of many films and series for many months now. Yet, we do anticipate the new season of Derry girls to be aired this season.
The series is set in Derry, Northern Ireland in the 1990s and originally revolves around the lives of Erin, Orla, Clare, Michelle, and James as they research their teenage period amidst the problems that come up in Derry.
Although we do not have any details concerning the brand new plot, author Lisa McGee recently disclosed that she’s delighted to give us an exciting storyline for the upcoming season.
Erin Quinn played by Saoirse Monica Jackson
Orla McCool played by Louisa Harland
Michelle Mallon played by Jamie Lee O’Donnell
Aunt Sarah played by Kathy Kiera Clarke
Sister Michael played by Siobhán McSweeney
Clare Devlin played by Nicola Coughlan
James Maguire played by Dylan Llewellyn
Granda Joe played by Ian McElhinney
Ma/Mary played by Tara Lynne O’Neill
Da/Gerry played by Tommy Tiernan
Jenny Joyce played by Leah O’Rourke
The official trailer of the upcoming season isn’t out yet, and we don’t have a lot of details about it either as of now. The production process is on a break, just like many other series.