Dr. Stone is a top-rated anime series that is loved a lot by its fans. The first season of this series was a success. Season 2 of the show is on its way soon. The new season aims to give more scientific understanding than ever.
The story plot of the Dr. Stone series revolves around Taiju Oki, Senku Ishigami, and Yuruziha Ogawa. TOHO animations and Shueisha make the anime, directed by Lino Shinya.
The first period of this series had an excellent finish. The second season of Dr. Stone will cover the tales of the Kingdom of both Science and Tsukasa’s empire. Yuruziha and kaiju may be observed returning to the season.
When Taiju went to suggest Yuruxiha, a green light blew up. All of the human race petrified. Taiju and Senku wake up after being frightened for a time.
The new period of Dr. Stone will come up with a growing number of comedy and action-packed episodes. The anime will also the Stone wars arc from the manga. The Stone wars arc has been among the most well-known parts of the manga.
The first period of Dr. Stone has an incredible 8.5 evaluation on IMDb and is highly advised to watch. The season will answer the questions left behind by the first season like, What caused the petrification?
Release date!
Not much has been clear yet about the next season of the anime’s events. On the other hand, the launch date of this anime is famous. It was established to be established in October of 2020. However, to April of 2021, the years are shifted due to this pandemic in Japan.