Goblin Slayer is a Japanese fantasy anime series based on the novel of the identical name composed by Kumo Kagyu. It is a fantasy world which is full of goblins. The anime surfaced on February 1, 2020, on Tokyo MX.
The anime received enormous recognition. After the success, the second period for which we have been waiting for is finally officially renewed!!
The series is about a journey of warriors, and they search goblins to create a living.
Half-Elf Archer
Dwarf Shaman
Goblin Slayer
Lizard Priest
The anime’s plot is about a warrior who’s known—his life changes when a buddy enters his life. While aiming for a world free of goblins, their job is to save the priestess. Goblin Warlord was revealed defeated by the end of the season, which was a bit complicated, and it left us wondering about so many things.
From where the first season finished, the next season will start. It’s expected that this season will reveal mysteries that were not solved in the season. It’s said that this season may tell the Hero’s name from which I mean Goblin Slayer’s actual name and other details. For this, maybe this season will show us this Goblin Slayer’s past life.
The trailer of this anime for year 2Release Date of this anime for season 2
Season 1 of this series ended in February 2020.
At this time, there is no announcement of the season’s date. But, is a high chance that we’re going to get to see the second season in the fall of 2021, but additionally, it may get delayed due to this COVID-19 pandemic.