Goblin Slayer is an anime based on the Manga of the identical name written by Jump Kagyu and Noburo Kannatsuki. The Goblin Slayer takes place in a universe of quest-based. A Priestess starts her journey as an adventurer and is assigned to exterminate goblins, which vicious humanoids with a bloodlust.
The Priestess joins a group of adventurers who fall prey at the hands of the goblins and are raped and slaughtered. The Priestess is saved utilizing a bounty hunter who has made a vow to eradicate all trolls in the earth’s surface and calls himself that the Goblin Slayer.
The first season of Goblin Slayer chooses the youthful Priestess and the Goblin Slayer through their trip of goblin hunting and making allies such as Dwarf Shaman, High Elf Archer, Lizard Priest, and Sword Maiden.
Goblin Slayer Season 2 Expectations:
Season 1 of Goblin Slayer ended fighting with the Goblin Lord alone. The Priestess is defeated, and is going to be murdered by the Goblin Lord, but saves him with her defense Spells.
The series ends in a cliffhanger once the duo finds that the Gods have obtained an interest in the Goblin Slayer, and his fate is now dependant beyond his vow to eliminate all goblins. It is anticipated that the next season would take a turn towards the root of this Demon Slayer as fans await a season 2 of the show.
He is secretive, along with the fans who do not know a great deal about his backstory. As it is also anticipated that the season would likewise lead to a separation between the Goblin Slayer and the Priestess, and the Priestess finally takes up the mantle of the Goblin Slayer herself.
Goblin Slayer Season 2 Release Date:
Goblin Season 2 was expected to release in 2020 or 2021. But we have no official information so far about its launch date. As the dubbing and the production are ceased, for the time being, the release date could vary as a result of an ongoing worldwide outbreak.