Categories: Car News

How to stay healthy in your car at coronavirus time

The planet is now ravaged by the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus. And so the resounding message is “Go indoors” to remain healthy. But what if you’re going to have to go by car somewhere? Skoda’s got some suggestions.

The key concept is to avoid interaction with others. But if you need to make a trip, cover yourself. “Ideally, don’t go anywhere. When you’ve got to drive somewhere, go on your own–don’t share the ride with anyone. When you have to go with others, make sure they don’t have acute respiratory problems.

Using a breather, or at least a face mask. Make sure you have the contact information of all other passengers so that you can track them down if you find out that you are sick, “says Jana Parmova, Chief Physician at Skoda, explaining the simple guidelines that everyone will obey.

It is crucial to bear in mind that even though a vehicle is a form of mobile insulation device that helps you to reduce interaction with others on the required journeys, such as food shopping, medication or other necessities, traveling by car is not risk-free.

Disinfect all materials, inside and outside.

If you can’t help but get in touch with someone and climb in a car, pay careful attention to protective grooming measures. “Disinfect all the surfaces that you contact before and after the ride, particularly if you share a car with someone or giving someone a lift,” says Dr. Parmova.

Taking this washing really seriously. Disinfecting the steering wheel, wheels, hand brakes, door handles, radio and infotainment controls will happen to anyone. But don’t forget the handles on the steering column (indicators and windscreen wipers, speed control), elbow rests, seat location buttons, door frames. And external door handles or baggage compartment lock.

Such values are much more relevant for cab drivers. And other vehicles carrying passengers.