Know About New Car Buyer Tips When Dealership Hide These Things From Customers While Selling A New Car !!!

Some information is such that many times the dealership of car companies hides it. Due to this, the customer may have to bear the loss later.

Buying a car is not an easy task. There are many things to be aware of while buying a car. Everyone pays attention to the model, price, features, and mileage of the car. But there are some things that you may not be able to know and because of this, you may have to suffer heavy losses in the future.

The dealerships of some car companies may hide some information from you. Hiding this information proves beneficial for them. That’s why today we are telling you about some similar things that dealerships of car companies can hide from you.


  • If you think that car companies sell cars at a fixed price, then you are wrong.
  • The car does not have a fixed price, so bargaining can always be done while buying a car at dealerships.
  • A discount of 10 thousand rupees or more can be obtained at the price of the car by bargaining. It depends on your conversation.

Discount on Car

  • Do keep in mind that most of the time the car gets some discount whether it is the festive season or not.
  • These offers include benefits like cash discount, extended warranty, servicing, or accessories.
  • But sometimes companies do not give you these necessary details and even the dealerships do not tell you about it. This results in loss of customers.


  • There are many accessories offered while buying a car. You get complete information about this.
  • Dealerships often do not disclose this and pressurize the customer to buy a paid accessories plan.
  • These paid accessories plan prices can range between Rs 30,000 to Rs 1 lakh.
    Therefore, while buying a car, make sure to find out about the free accessories available with it.