Kung Fu Panda 4 is an up and coming animated film, which will be the fourth installment from the Kung Fu Panda franchise which first debuted in 2008. This franchise has performed both in terms of commercial success as well as being lauded by critics for its wonderful mix of comedy animation, and utilization of martial arts.
The past two sequels were released respectively in 2011 and 2016, although the third film received less praise than the first two movies. Will we get the fourth installment of the franchise? If this is so, what can we expect? Here’s what we know so far!
But we are aware that the creators are still interested in making additional sequels, so not all hope is lost!
Casting data hasn’t yet been revealed since the birth of a fourth film isn’t yet confirmed also. However, we could expect some previous cast members to return, including Jack Black to voice Po, Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Bryan Cranston as Shan, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Dustin Hoffman as Shifu, Lucy Liye as Viper and Seth Rogen as Mantis.
Let us hope the studio calls these celebrities to voice our beloved characters once more for the fourth movie!
We know that the films in the franchise finish its narrative in each movie, and we consistently get a brand new plot for the next installment. With every film, that we may expect character arcs from the fourth installment, perhaps a look into relationships and Po’s family we get to dig deeper into the characters.