My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series. It crosses the genres of fantasy and adventure. The show was written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. He’s also famous for creating Ōmagadoki Dōbutsuen, yet another manga series. The is set to come with a Season 5.
The manga was soon adapted into anime TV series and the first season aired in Japan at 2016.
The season was followed by four seasons in the years 2017, 2018, and 2019-2020. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes premiered in August 2018. A second animated movie titled My Hero Academia.
The good thing is that the founders have announced a season 5. The founders are planning to develop a live-action movie.
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the production of the series has been halted, and the audiences need to wait for the upcoming season. For the time being, it is tough to estimate as to when the series will probably come from it. However, it is anticipated that the show will start in 2021. When the situation gets settled, producers and supervisors will declare the actual date of release. On the other hand, time is yet to be revealed.
Character return in season 5 comprises
The story revolves around a time when superpowers have been obtained by the majority of the Earth’s people or even quirks’. Surprisingly so, Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist, is a boy without superpowers. He yet dreams one day of changing to a hero.