“Overlord”, an anime television series, is an adaptation of Kugane Maruyama’s Japanese lighting book series of the same name. The show was first premiered in 2015. With its unique plot, this series has impressed millions of viewers. This series revolves around a highly advanced game of year 2126, known as YGGDRASIL. This game becomes popular due to the astounding quality of interaction of the match. Following the run of twelve years, when the game server is going to shut down, the story takes a turn when one of its characters gets trapped in it. In the span of five years, this series has released its three seasons consisting of 13 episodes each. Fans are looking forward to the fourth season of this series.
It has been announced that the series was renewed for season 4. But the makers have not yet made any announcement concerning the date of release of season 4.
The script writing of year 4 has been completed as stated by Yukie Sugawara, the anime’s scriptwriter. It may face further delay or it appears that season 4 may debut in 2021.
The cast of year 4 is most likely for giving voice to characters to include artists from previous seasons. Viewers can expect the return of Satoshi Hino as Momonga. Artists such as Masayuki Kato, Manami Namakura and Sumire Uesaka may also return.
The “Overlord” season 4 is very likely to focus on one of the main characters of this series i.e Ainz. This year is expected to showcase the volume of the manga. Viewers may get to see Ainz as a supervillain. Ainz is going to face plenty of challenges and he might need to demonstrate his strengths and abilities. This year will present what Ainz will do as a Sorcerer king. Fans are anticipating that this year will be more exciting than the previous ones. Season 4 may introduce some new characters to make it more interesting.
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