Overlord is a Japanese anime series, headed by Naoyuki Itō. It is founded on a novel that was light by Kugane Maruyama. The show made its debut. The series is placed in a century in which a gaming port has been developed. The most famous among the rest of the games were Yggdrasil. After a limitation of 12 years, the game’s server prepares to close down. But one of its characters stays stuck within it. Creators inspired to spurn an anime series. Together with the show preparation for its fourth season, it is reasonable to say that it has turned into a success.
The manufacturers had declared that the anime would reunite with the season. They aimed to launch it. But due to the conditions given right now, the production slowed down. It has been discontinued. Therefore, the show was delayed to discharge for certain after 2020. But as nothing can be predicted in the conditions prevailing no specific release date can be declared.
The volume of this manga required a large hole gap for publishing. Accordingly, the fourth season kept on getting postponed.
The fourth season will exhibit strength and the power Aniz is capable of. He is going to prove himself by embracing his worth. By governing Sorcerer Kingdom, he will fight against the obstacles and stand.
Although Aniz has been trapped inside the game, he will make certain as the warrior king, he’ll perform his duties and form a strong empire. Aniz realizes that he is way stronger than he anticipated about himself after beating Gazef Stronoff by killing him.
Some fans have theorized that Aniz could be showcased as an antagonist or as a negative character for ruling the kingdom if he is taken by the founders ahead. Well, what and how the narrative proceeds is a matter when it is ready to release to be shown.