The Society Season 2: Air Date, Arrival, Cast, Plot and More Things You Should Know

Society season 2 has been given an upgrade. It looks like fans will probably be waiting until the end of the season to see it.

The first season of The Society received favorable comments from both critics and fans. As it started streaming, undoubtedly, it gathered a lot of hype. Hence, it wasn’t shocking when Netflix renewed it for another season.

With Netflix’s announcement about its renewal, fans couldn’t be more interested in the details of the season.

Previous episodes of The Society

The first season of this mystery adolescent drama The Society expired on May 10, 2019. The show narrates the story of a group of teenagers trapped with another timeline another version of the town.

The mystery starts as high school students return from a canceled field trip. Consequently, they find that all the town’s population has vanished. A forest emerges around town — making the world non-existent.

They are electronically cut away by the rest of the planet, while they could use their cell phones to contact each other. With all this at hand, they strived to set alliances and order between each other to survive.

The first season concludes with a memorial plaque’s display listing the lost teens’ titles in their real town.

What is in store for season 2

In The Society’s second time, Allie and Will are going to maintain a critical threat. The creator of the show, Christopher Keyser previously cautioned that because Allie is this story’s hero doesn’t mean she necessarily is secure.

What’s more, Harry’s alliance, and Campbell, Lexie will fall apart. While the trio teamed up to seize authority, they don’t trust each other at all, which will make it hard to keep hold of West Ham in Season 2.

Predominantly, there were hints that the season will learn more about the race and class dynamics.

Cast and Release Date

Fans of the show would probably see familiar faces on the season. This includes Kathryn Newton (Allie), Jacques Collison (Will), Jack Mulhern (Grizz), and Toby Wallace (Campbell).

On top of that, it’s been shown that celebrity Olivia Nikkanen, who performs with Gwen on the show, was upped to a series regular

Gwen has rather a status within the society and is more prone to fits of anxiety that leave her quite isolated and vulnerable. However, ability and her wits help reestablish her role in this new universe.

Netflix has announced that the production of The Society season 2 commenced in 2019. Given the global pandemic would not require a toll on the series’ creation, fans can expect new episodes at the end of the year.

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