Categories: Bike News

TVS New Media Driver-Final Race

The second race at MMRT was a treat. It had been such a surprise for me to come in the top 5 with no racing experience. For 2019 we should have had a chance to run 4 times but it was cut to 3.

So BIC didn’t happen and MMRT was again the location for the last race. It is easier to report all the information late than never right? So, here’s how I got at least one TVS Young Media Driver trophy back home.

I was in the top 5 for the last two races and scored a good amount of points. They still a bit of a gap between the second and the third race and everybody the chance to get ready.

As we all know, everybody focused on working with hardly any exercise routine and entered Chennai as safe as they, pun intended! My target this time was to at least get a podium. And I very determined to as close as possible on the boards.

But wasn’t confident they the highest power-to-weight ratio.

My last time during the session 2:24.72 and I thought my timing should close because it had been quite some time. Yet unexpectedly I was doing well and improving my practice session for the fastest lap by 3 seconds.

It dropped to 2:21.965 and I was excited to keep up the pace to advance. This was almost a qualifying pace coming in the practice session and I got excited prematurely.

The anticipation and tiredness got to me when the qualifying arrived later in the day and I was 1 second slower at 2:22.190.

Strike you hard when doing poorly in the qualification round and still possessing the potential to do better. Since I was slower in the second session when everyone improved their timings. I was worried that I would miss the podium this time too.