Violet Evergarden is an amazing anime series that was created by Kyoto Animations. The series was taken from a Japanese novel series of the same name written by Kana Akatsuki. Violet Evergarden is famous for its extraordinary animations and the beauty it depicts. Impressed by the growing fan followers, a movie was also released. Now the series is finally up for it season 2. Let us know more about the second season of the anime series.
Season 1 of the series was premiered from January 11 to April 5, 2018, showing 13 beautiful episodes.
The second season’s release is not yet sure as the makers might go with the sequel of the movie they made rather than the series. However, if things go well, we might see sequels for both movie and the series
The voice artist is expected to be the same. This includes
The story is about the character Violet Evergarden who works as an auto memory doll. And, she writes letters for others. Through her work, she begins her journey of self-discovery. She had a beautiful power to change the lives of the client by interacting with them. Violet Evergarden is basically a story of a war veteran trying to integrate into society.
Though the plot of season 2 is not yet disclosed, it can be expected to reveal certain unanswered questions of the previous season. Major Gilbert’s presumed death is likely to be explored in season 2.