Black Summer is an American postwar Netflix first drama that aired in the summer of 2019. The series rose to its popularity due to the excitement of zombie flicks.
Though Black Summer belongs to a few of the widespread sorts of play, it brought disappointment to its lovers.
Fans assert it to have storytelling of their figures’ history and their enactment.
Many enthusiasts claim Dark Summer as an antipode of Z Country due to its play and lack of hilarity. The scenes have been filmed for characters from the narrative.
This is truly among those big things of Black Summer.
The Black Summer Season 2 Plot
The series begins after six weeks following the zombie apocalypse. Rose (Jaime King) is separated from her daughter, Anna. This is during the early days of the apocalypse when things had suddenly gone haywire.
Now, as a desperate mother, she will stop at nothing to discover who took her daughter. Season 1 mostly focuses on her thrilling journey to find Anna along with a group of refugees. These refugees are from North America and are extremely hostile towards her.
In the wake of a deadly zombie apocalypse, she must persevere to withstand all the challenges to reach her daughter.
Season 2 will probably focus on another group of people whose lives have been thrown into disarray due to the advent of the zombies.
The Black Summer Season 2 Cast
The creators haven’t shared the list of characters for season 2, but the upcoming season of Black Summer will involve some potentially gifted actors. Here is a list, showing the actors who will reprise their roles again:
- Jaime King as Rose
- Justin Chu Cary as Spears
- Christine Lee as Kyungsun
- Sal Velez Jr. as William Velez
- Kelsey Flower as Lance
- Erika Hau as Carmen
- Zoe Marlett as Anna
Release Date of Season 2
The release date will be sometime in 2021. Production has already begun in Canada but has been stalled due to the pandemic.
Stay tuned for all the latest updates.