Designated Survivor is an American political thriller drama TV series created by David Guggenheim. The series first aired on September 21st, 2016, and has completed 3 seasons so far. Season 1 of Designated Survivor has 21 episodes and season 2 has 22 episodes and was being released on 27th September 2017. Season 3 has 10 episodes and was first aired on June 7th, 2019. Season 1 and season 2 were premiered on ABC whereas season 3 was officially premiered on Netflix. The series got a rating of 71% from Rotten Tomatoes and 7.5/10 from IMDb. Designated Survivor received moderate reviews from its fans. Designated Survivor is a tale of a man who has no business being in politics becomes the president overnight.
Designated Survivor Season 4 Cast
The cast from the previous seasons including Tom Kirkman, Aaron (Adan Canto), Isabel (Elena Tovar), Penny (McKenna Grace), Mars (Anthony Edwards), Sasha (Jamie Clayton) and Dontae (Benjamin Charles Watson) was expected to be seen for the Designated Survivor Season 4. Lorraine was arrested by the FBI which can rule her out of the show and also Kal Penn (Seth) has other projects to do which leaves his position in doubt.
Designated Survivor Season 4 Plot
The big story twist of Designated Survivor Season 3 was the decision to kill off Maggie Q and her character of Hannah Wells. We saw at the end of season 3 Tom Kirkman being reelected. Another big question after season 3 is that will Emily return to her role? Will Isabel tell Aaron that she is having his baby? These all unresolved questions after season 3 are yet to be answered in Designated Survivor Season 4.
Designated Survivor Season 4 Release Date
Just after 6 months of the release of season 3 of Designated Survivor on Netflix, it was officially announced that Designated Survivor is canceled after three seasons. There will be no season 4 for the political drama series starring Kiefer Sutherland. It is the second time the drama series gets axed. The first time it was done by ABC after two seasons and haven’t been saved and resuscitated by Netflix for a third season. For further updates, stay connected!!!