The sixth Time of Grace and Frankie aired in January of the year. This show is your sitcom about Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, and two women, who grow to develop a deep bond of friendship as they learn how to live their own lives after both their husbands abandon them for every other.
After Season 6 has been released, it left fans wanting even more of this onscreen friendship of Tomlin and Fonda. Fortunately, this is not the final of this series that is beloved and we are getting an additional season but this will be the season finale. Keep reading to learn what we know.
When Can We See Season 7?
The order to create the seventh season was given as far back as September 2019. It will contain 16 episodes that can make it Netflix series.
The founders have not announced an official release date yet but according to a few speculations, it could arrive at 2021.
Who Will be Cast?
Fortunately, the seven main members of this series are coming back to this last season. The cast includes Jane Fonda (Grace), Lily Tomlin (Frankie), Sam Waterston (Sol), Martin Sheen (Robert), Baron Vaughn (Bud), Ethan Embry (Coyote), Brooklyn Decker (Mallory) and June Diane Raphael (Brianna).
Grace and Frankie Season 7: Plot
Showrunner Marta Kauffman stated that the season will explain Grace, Frankie, Robert, and Sol’s characters in this manner that the audience has never seen before.
However, Kauffman left the plot open to possibilities, stating that their strategies may change at any moment. Marta however hopes the show message would remain the same, giving people hope that just because one part of your life comes to an end, it does not mean everything is over and that things will happen.