    HomeCar NewsKeeping a hand sanitizer in a car can be dangerous for us,...

    Keeping a hand sanitizer in a car can be dangerous for us, US Fire Department warns

    Can a hand sanitizer bottle that protects you from corona kill you? Can a bottle of hand sanitizer be a bomb inside a car? A surprising story and warning has come from America. Actually, a post on Facebook has shown the door of a burnt car and it has been said that keeping a hand sanitizer in the car can be dangerous. Know what is the whole matter.

    Most hand sanitizers are alcohol-based

    America’s Western Lake Fire District shared a photo of a burnt car on Facebook, saying, “Most hand sanitizers are alcohol-based, which is flammable.” In hot weather, the sunlight on the sanitizer kept in the car becomes hot. It can be very dangerous when smoking in a car, especially during the holiday. ”

    The photo was used to alert people

    However, the controversy arose about the picture that was shared by the Western Lake Fire District of America on Facebook. When the dispute over the post increased, Western Lake Fire Lake clarified that the photo used in the post has no relation with this district. There has not been an accident in the district. This post was done to alert people and to show the danger of hand sanitizer kept in the car.

    Always keep hand sanitizer in a safe place

    The US National Fire Protection Association also gave a statement saying that the hand sanitizer is flammable and should be kept safe. There is a risk of fire in hot temperatures.


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