According to a Japanese novel series written by Mamare Touno and exemplified by Kazuhiro Hara,’ Log Horizon’ is now a popular isekai anime series that tells a story of players who get transported within the MMORPG game they all play. They find that they look like their avatars. The plot primarily targets Shiroe, the eponymous guild leader and Round Table Alliance co-founders. Season 3 of’Log Horizon,’ also called log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table’ (‘Rogu Horaizun Entaku Hōkai’), premiered on January 13, 2021. Here is all you want to learn about the upcoming episode of the anime.
Log Horizon Season 3 Episode 12 Release Date
‘Log Horizon’ season 3 episode 12, titled’Nightingale’s Song,” is set to premiere on March 31, 2021, on NHK Educational TV. This is going to be the final episode of season 3. Studio Deen made the show, with Shinji Ishihara serving as the director and Toshizo Nemoto as the Key scriptwriter. Yasuharu Takanashi provided the audio, and Tomodachi Kosaka managed the character designs. The rock group Band-Maid performed the opening motif track”Different,” and Miyu Oshiro conducted the end theme track”Blue Horizon.”
Where to Watch Log Horizon Season 3 Online?
Episodes of those anime using original Japanese audio and English subtitles are made on Funimation (North America and the British Isles), AnimeLab (New Zealand and Australia), also Wakanim (Scandinavia and the Netherlands) on the same day of the airing in Japan. Furthermore, the Portuguese subtitled version can be found on Funimation, and Russian, German, and French subtitled versions are offered on Wakanim.
In Japan, audiences can watch season 3 to Netflix Japan with Japanese audio and subtitles. ‘Log Horizon’ season 2 with English dubbing is available on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and HIDIVE. Furthermore, the first two seasons of this anime series will also be available with English dubbing on Animelab. On February 24, 2021, Funimation began streaming the English dubbed version of season 3 episodes.
Log Horizon Season 3 Episode 12 Spoilers
In episode 11, as all the players over Level 65 happen to be downgraded to Level 35, the responsibility to defeat the Guru Ereinus falls upon the players’ shoulders. Using Shiroe’s laptop for a manual, Minori builds a raid party with 23 other gamers out of Log Horizon and Crescent Moon Alliance. She divides the celebration into four groups of six players. Even though there’s originally some skepticism, as nobody in the party except for Akatsuki has engaged in a raid before, Touya manages to convince the others using an impassioned speech.
The raiding party subsequently attack the guild construction with Minori since the pioneer and Touya since the tank. They make their way through a heavy invasion of critters to achieve Ereinus. The battle seems to enter the adventurers’ favor in the first phase. However, the genius changes strategy as it begins losing HP. It tells the youthful adventurers to lose hope as it has defeated their seniors. This appears to function until Akatsuki, who has not yet been influenced by Ereinus’ powers, attacks the genius. In episode 12, Akiba Guild Hall Raid Party might finally defeat Ereinus, freeing their seniors against the ramifications of its powers. Minori might tell Shiroe how she feels about him.