Seven Deadly Sins is a Japanese fantasy anime based on manga series written by Nakaba Suzuki and initially aired on JNN, MBS, TBS networks on October 5, 2014. Although, it’s been debated in English released by Netflix.
The release date of Episode 24 that is Season 4:
The Seven Deadly Sins Wrath of The Gods Episode 24 will be released on the internet at 5:55 PM JST, on Wednesday, 25 March 2020.
So that you may want to look at the regional time to see the episode that is Conventional time.
The trailer and the spoilers on the internet?
In episode 23, we saw where Elizebeth is Derieri escaped from Estarossa. Nevertheless, it was located him who was thrilled to see Elizebeth. He traps them but Sariel and Tamiel arrive to stop him. With their efforts to get revenge for the departure of Mael. Both Archangels came out much stronger and went to battle him at full power for Estarossa to consume another commandment. Sariel nad Tamiel’s attack made little to no damage as Estarossa introduced himself as Meliodas and appears to have lost his head. Which ended up everybody.
The mental instability of Testarossa will be increasing like Monspeet mentioned if he absorbs another commandment, that he can not avoid this. Because of this, he refers to himself as Meliodas. Derieri informs because he’d be destroyed by the commandment, Elizabeth what’s happening to Estarossa. He had just absorbed later on. As now it seems like there won’t be as he had absorbed Monspeet’s, anybody who can stop Estarossa at this point and the commandment of Galand there could be 1 way for him to leave.
Elizebeth agrees to go back to Meliodas and leave the seven mortal sins.
We’ll understand this story’s entirety when the episode is aired.
The cast for seven deadly sins:
Meliodas, Elizabeth, King Arthur, Zeldris. Demon King, Harlequin, Ban, and many others