Suburra Blood On Rome is an Italian web television series based on the crime, drama, and romantic stories. The series based on the novel named Suburra written by Carlo Bonini and Giancarlo De Cataldo. It will include many staring actors such as Alessandro Borghi, Eduardo Valdarnini, Claudia Gerini, Giacomo Ferrara, Filippo Nigro and Francesco Acquaroli. But, the series will Shoots in Rome, Italy. It is co-produced by Giovanni Stabilini, Riccardo Tozzi, Gina Giardini, Filippo Rizzello, Sara Polese and Marco Chimenz. And Cattleya, Bartleby Film, and Rai Fiction are the joint production company of the series. But, it will release on Netflix’s online platform in the English language.
Suburra Blood On Rome Season 3 Plot
The series is based on the real-life events of the Mafia Capitale investigation that involves clashes and corruption among crime, politicians.
But, Aureliano Adami appears as the main character of the series as an Ostia-based gang member.
After that, A good relationship to the Alberto, a gang member, and Lele as the son of a policeman that involves crime.
After that, the story will continue.
Suburra Blood On Rome Season 3 Cast
But, It will include-
- Alessandro Borghi acts as Aureliano Adami, an Ostia-based gang member
- Francesco Acquaroli played as Samurai, the head of crime organizer in Rome.
- Fiorenza Tessari appears as Mara Guagli, a policewoman
- Claudia Gerini acts as Sara Monaschi, a financial auditor.
- Stefano Santospago played as Sandro Monaschi, Sara’s husband
- Filippo Nigro appears as Amedeo Cinaglia, a politician
Suburra Blood On Rome Season 3 Release Date
The first season release on 6 October 2017 consists of ten episodes in it.
After that, the second season release on 22 February 2019 with eight episodes.
But, due to the coronavirus pandemic that delayed the release date of the series till 2020.