    HomeCar NewsTVS reveals a kit of Rs 30 Crore to tackle COVID-19

    TVS reveals a kit of Rs 30 Crore to tackle COVID-19

    The TVS Motor Company revealed. That a Rs 30 crore economic assistance package to counter the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The money is provided by the Srinivasan Services Trust (SST). So, the charitable branch of the TVS Motor Company and the Sundaram-Clayton Group.

    The firm claims that the first process of relief operations has already begun. So, with 10 tractors equipped with disinfectants already sent to the Municipal authorities of Tamil Nadu, Krishnagiri, and Mysore.

    In turn, despite the acute lack of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). The Trust must also produce and supply one million face masks to healthcare staff. And people who provide food. With other vital products in the light of the national lockdown.

    TVS also announced that it would use the kitchens used by its suppliers to cook food for its workers and prepare regular meals for police, health, and local employees. Also, TVs sell dry rations to local wage earners in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh.

    The coronavirus pandemic has also led to a significant lack of ventilators. This is a vital medical tool used to treat those seriously affected by the illness. TVS is investigating the prospect of partnering with 3D printing firms to manufacture such ventilators for hospitals.
    Since Bajaj unveiled its economic relief plan. The TVS initiative yet another much-needed step in these difficult times.

    In these tough days, the TVS Motor Company has also provided service assistance to two-wheeler operators. Owners of motorcycles or scooters with scheduled free services. The annual maintenance contract (AMC) program between March and April 2020 may use the program until June 2020.

    It is the same situation for the assurances, which have now been extended until the end of June. TVS has also kept its toll free helpline and the Road Side Assistance (RSA) service open at this time, even if the car needs treatment.


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