Wentworth is an Australian television series based on the drama and fantasy stories. The eighth season title as Wentworth: Redemption. But, it will include many staring actors such as Leah Purcell, Robbie J Magasiva, Bernard Curry, Kate Jenkinson, Susie Porter, and Zoe. Includes Rarriwuy Hick, Kate Atkinson, Jane Hall, Kate Box, Pamela Rabe, and Katrina Milosevic. But, the series will premiere on Fox Showcase network in the English language. Most importantly, there are some new characters will also appear in the eighth season such as Ann Reynolds as Jane Hall, Lou Kelly as Kate Box, Reb Keane as Zoe Terakes, Sheila Bausch as Marta Dusseldorp, and Judy Bryant as Vivienne Awosoga. But, the series received much positive response from the audience, and wait for announcements of next season.
Wentworth Season 8 Plot
The story of the series revolves around the prisoners and the staff.
Both struggle to re-establish their lives after they struggle with cope.
After that, It will come with a mysterious twist story that reveals the death of Joan Ferguson by Will Jackson.
But, The story will continue where the last season ends.
Wentworth Season 8 Cast
It will include –
- Leah Purcell appears as Rita Connors,
- Katrina Milosevic acts as Sue Jenkins (Boomer),
- Robbie J Magasiva played as Governor Will Jackson,
- Kate Jenkinson acts as Allie Novak,
- Bernard Curry played as Jake Stewart,
- Kate Box played as Lou Kelly.
- Rarriwuy Hick acts ss Ruby Mitchell,
- Susie Porter appears as Marie Winter,
- Jane Hall appear as Ann Reynolds,
- Zoe acts as Reb Keane,
- Kate Atkinson played as Industries Manager Vera Bennett,
Wentworth Season 8 Release Date
Because of the pandemic situation that delayed the release date till the end of 2020 or later as possible.