Frontier is a Canadian historical drama premiered on November 6, 2016, on Netflix. Co-created by Rob Blackie and Peter Blackie, the series stars Jason Momoa as Declan Harp, a part-Irish, part-Cree outlaw who is campaigning to breach the Hudson’s Bay Company’s monopoly on the fur trade in Canada, which has become corrupt and relies on illegal activities to flourish. The story set in the 18th century revolves around the American fur trade.
The second season premiered on October 18, 2017. The third season premiered first on Netflix on November 23, 2018, and was broadcast in Canada between December 7 and 21, 2018.
On Rotten Tomatoes it has an approval rating of 43% based on 14 reviews from critics. Metacritic gave the series an average score of 52 out of 100, based on reviews from 11 critics. In other words, the entire show received a mixed response from viewers.
Unfortunately, no one knows if the fourth installment of Frontier is going to happen or not. There was news that Netflix had officially cancelled season 4. We don’t know if Netflix will renew the show. Momoa’s schedule seems to be very busy in the near future. With the coronavirus pandemic and other delays, we won’t be seeing an instalment in 2020 for sure. Probably, we may not see another installment of the show at all. It’s hard to say anything for now but we will find out soon.
The previous seasons of Frontier included Jason Momoa, Alun Armstrong, Zoe Boyle, Landon Liboiron, Christian McKay, Shawn Doyle, Evan Jonigkeit, Greg Bryk, Breanne Hill, Stephen Lord, Katie McGrath, Allan Hawco and Zahn McClarnon. However, with no surety about the renewal of the show, we don’t know if they will return.