The XUV700, a premium SUV from Mahindra Automaker in India, was launched recently. The SUV lineup was available in two trims. The new Mahindra SUV will be available in a 5- or 7-seat configuration. The 5-seater version is priced at Rs 11.99 lakh to R 14.99 lakh. However, the XUV700 7 seater price will be revealed in October 2021.
We are happy to inform you that the 5-seater XUV700 is available in five versions: MX Petrol Manual Transmission (MX Diesel Manual Transmission), AX3 Petrol Automatic Transmission and AX3 Petroleum Manual Transmission.
These are available at Rs 11.99 lakh, Rs 12.49 crore, Rs 13.99 lakh, and Rs 14.99 million, respectively. All prices ex-showroom. The Mahindra XUV700 seven seater car will have the same engine options and gearbox options as its 5-seater counterpart. It will have more space for a third-row seat, but it will still be powered by the same engine and gearbox options as its 5-seater counterpart.
The new Mahindra SUV features many first-in-segment and best-in sector fitments. The dashboard integrates a dual 10.25-inch display screen for the infotainment system and the instrument cluster. Mahindra’s new AdrenoX interface features an integrated Amazon Alexa virtual assistant that supports voice commands. This SUV comes with both wireless Apple CarPlay connectivity and Android Auto connectivity.
Sony’s Superior Sound
System includes 12 speakers 3D surround sound system with an air purifier, wireless charging, dual-zone automatic temperature control, air purifier, and wireless charger. It also features a large panoramic sunroof (the largest in the segment), an electronic parking brake, leatherette upholstery and auto.
It also has booster headlamps and ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), Smart Pilot Assist. Lane Keep Assist. Lane Departure Warning. Adaptive Cruise Control. Driver Sleep Detection. Traffic Sign Recognition. The SUV has seven airbags, ABS with EBD, and seat belts for front and back with retractor and lap pretensioners.
Engine and Power
This SUV is powered by a 2.0L turbo petrol engine and a 2.2L mHawk Diesel engine. These engines can produce power of 200 bhp, 155 bhp, and 185 bhp, respectively. Both motors can be fitted with either a 6-speed manual or automatic gearbox.