Dark is a German science fiction thriller TV series developed by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. It has completed its 2 seasons so far. The series was first aired on December 1st, 2017 with 10 episodes. Season 2 was being released on June 21st, 2019 with 8 episodes. It was first premiered on Netflix and got a rating of 94% from Rotten Tomatoes, 8.7/10 from IMDb, and 8.7/10 from TV.com. The series got great reviews from its audiences. Dark essentially is the story of time travel but it takes a unique spin on time travel. Dark takes place in three different times that are separated by the number 33 32 years from 1953 to 1986to 2019 separated about 33.
Dark Season 3 Cast
The main characters from the previous seasons including Jonas Kahnwald, Michael Kahnwald, Hannah Kahnwald, Ines Kahnwald, Sebastian Kruger, Daniel Kahnwald, Martha Nielsen, Magnus Nielsen, Ulrich Nielsen, Katharina Nielsen, Mads Nielsen, Tronte Nielsen, Jana Nielsen, Agnes Nielsen, Franziska Doppler, Elisabeth Doppler, Peter Doppler, Charlotte Doppler, Helge Doppler, Bernd Doppler, Greta Doppler, H.G. Tannhaus, Bartosz Tiedemann, Regina Tiedemann, Aleksander Tiedemann, Claudia Tiedemann, Egon Tiedemann, Doris Tiedemann and Noah are all expected to be back for the new season of Dark.
Dark Season 3 Plot
At the end of the second season, Jonas was saved by Martha from a second universe. At the same time the main storyline the main universe we have the foundation of Bundes happening with adult Jonas takes his friends and he goes back in time with them. In the teaser trailer adult Jonas Adam narrating and the guy seems to be the new antagonist. For more interesting plots the fans are waiting eagerly for the new season of Dark.
Dark Season 3 Release date
The first season hit the screens on December 1st, 2017 and after a wait of more than a year and a half the season, 2 was released which landed on June 21st, 2019. The creators revealed that the filming of Dark season 3 was about to begin towards the end of May 2019. The third season is to be launched on 27th June 2020. Along with the release date, the production also dropped a trailer for the third season. For further details stay tuned..!!!