Rick and Morty Season 4 is an American adult animated science-fiction TV Series produced by Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network’s late-night programming block Adult Swim. The tv series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his good-hearted but fretful grandson Morty Smith. They crack their time between domestic life and interdimensional adventures.
The Cast of season 4
- Justin Roiland as Rick SanchezĀ
- Chris Parnell as Jerry Smith
- Spencer Grammer as Summer Smith
- Sarah Chalke as Beth Smith and Space Beth
The Plot of season 4
The season 4 finale opens with a fresh, space hero version of Beth Smith (Sarah Chalke) and her “Defiance” squad battling the Galactic Federation, which has rebuilt its forces after Rick disabled them on the season 3, “The Rickshank Rickdemption.”
After stealing the plans of this new Federation’s version of a Death Star, a Wrangler Jeans-sponsored “planet remover,” Space Beth discovers a bomb inside her, deduces that Rick put it there, and heads back to Earth to get rid of her dad once and for all. Meanwhile, Morty (Roiland) and his sister Summer (Spencer Grammer) feud over an invisibility belt, and their father Jerry (Chris Parnell) mess about with puppetry.
Release Date of Season 4
Season 4 has been released on 10 November 2019 with 10 episodes.